The jModbus Project - To Do
The following is the lists of outstanding coding tasks. Anyone who would
like to take the bull by the horns and code them is more than welcome to.
These items are not in any particular order or importance.
- Write code to implement more functionality in the ModbusMaster class.
- Write code to implement more functionality in the ModbusSlave class.
- Implement mutexes or lock object in the ModbusCoilBank and
ModbusRegisterBank classes to make sure they are thread safe.
(i.e. ModbusSlave and DataWorker thread will not write/read to
them at the same time) This could be implemented having all
interface methods use a single function inside that is syncronised.
- Implement some code in the ModbusRTUTransport class as this is
currently not implemented, mainly due to difficulties that will
be present in delimiting frames that are seperated by 3.5
character times. A posible solution to this has been discussed
on the TINI developers forum in August 2001.
- Implement some code in the ModbusASCIITransport class as this is
currently not implemented.
- Review implementation of ModbusMessage class to see if it should
be made a little more OO.